Auburn, NY

I spent the past week in Auburn, NY visiting five schools. Here are just a few of the highlights.

At Owasco Elementary, the art teacher drew the most amazing Backbeard mural on the whiteboard in the art room.


Here’s a close-up:


At Casey Park Elementary, I saw this T-shirt in the hallway, attached to an easel. (I’m thinking of having one made for myself.)


In art class, Casey Park students were doing a very interesting project. They were learning to draw animals, and each student created a composition with at least four creatures plus Frieda, hidden somewhere in the scene.


At Genesee Elementary, the teachers came to school dressed in custom-designed boxer shorts in honor of Backbeard. (The strange thing is, none of the students seemed to find this at all unusual.)


Finally, some cool Backbeard pirate maps from Seward Elementary…


…and some Absolutely Not-inspired tessellations at Herman Avenue Elementary.


All in all, a terrific five-day visit. Thanks to everyone at Auburn for all your hard work and enthusiasm!